

spring time clean with Alayne White

Spring Time Clean

The other day, I hired my favorite organizer, Lisa Griffith, to come over to my business and help give me a fresh perspective on where to put all o...

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Two women, standing in front of East Bay Food Pantry. One woman smiling and holding a book with her picture on it. The other smiling holding a check. Text on the side of the picture that reads "I. like charitable people".

I Like Charitable People

Many years ago when books on tape first started hitting the market, I purchased one from the Queen of beautiful voices, Maya Angelou. Some writers ...

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Gardening Delight- Alayne White

Gardening Delight

As soon as the first sighting of a bright red cardinal shows up in my line of vision in the tree in my backyard, I am ready for some seed planting....

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I Wrote a Book- Alayne White

I Wrote A Book

There I said it. Let me say it again. I wrote a book. I am proud of this accomplishment. I will squelch the little voice inside that wants to take ...

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Alayne's Favorite Places Blog

Alayne's Favorite Places

With so much isolation from this damn virus, I wanted to reflect back a bit to places I supported this past 2021. In my attempt to have experiences...

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Alayne White Blog- Seeing What Sticks

Seeing What Sticks

If I had to define my business plan in three words for 2021, it would be SEEING WHAT STICKS. I tried a little and a lot of everything. So instead o...

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Blurred background with a square drink coaster in focus with text "You drink too much, cuss too much, and have questionable morals. You're everything I ever wanted in a friend. Picture of four woman linked arms and laughing below.

Who is Your Wonder Woman?

Why Wonder Woman? After receiving endless quantities of Wonder Woman swag during my cancer diagnosis in 2017, I became a bit hooked on this Super (...

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Happy Holiday Shopping Time

Happy Holiday Shopping Time

When I was a little girl, my mother, my grandmother or my aunts took me along for shopping excursions. In those early years, shopping was something...

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Alayne and her grandfather

Remembering My Grandfather

Veterans Day and November 17th cannot pass without remembering my grandfather, a WWII Veteran and what would have been his 104th birthday. I must s...

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