Alayne White
Make a Day of It
All this talk about traffic and the drive. Bristol is a place you aim for, whatever bridge you cross to get here - after all we are a quirky little peninsula, we are worth the drive. If you are planning on coming for a service, why not make a day of it with our newest invention to get you to spend some time NOT rushing around for a change.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a self directed day, you schedule the treatment with us HERE and you plan the rest, this is just an idea to get you going. THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE all of the other places listed, it only serves as a way to think about visiting.
If you want Alayne to plan this day for you and charge accordingly, CALL HER DIRECTLY: 401-575-6670
- Head to Blithewold (entrance fee) for a delightful walk on the property or a tour inside. Be sure to take a stroll through the bamboo gardens, they are peaceful and grounding connecting you with yourself.
- Head to Folklore Provisions, (open weds-sunday) and pick up a homemade treat and an iced Galão, a delicious coffee inspired by the beautiful Azores.
- Head over to Beau Blue, Kate and Company and Epllogues for some around the corner shopping in walking distance to Alayne White
- Finish off by heading over for an appointment at Alayne White for their newest treatment, A Facial + A Footsoak + A Bouquet of Flowers
- Spend some time in the garden after with a good book, a glass of wine or catch up on some of that writing you have been meaning to get to. Just please, turn your phone off and use the garden to contemplate and enjoy nature for a spell. The phone will be there, trust us.
If you head over on a Saturday, take the SEASTREAK Ferry that runs from Providence and Newport and stops in Bristol a few times. Take your bike on the ferry and ride home. The east bay bike path is a flat 14 mile of shoreline well worth a bike ride instead of a car ride.
The rest is up to you.