

Skin Cancer Is No Joke

I have made almost a career of going to the beach. Never being one for staying out of the sun, I am a die hard beach lover. Though for the past fifteen years at least, I have worn hats and 50 sunscreen. I have never deliberately avoided the sun rays to avoid tanning. I love being tan and though this is completely irresponsible of a self proclaimed skin expert, I take full responsibility for my own self inflicted ramifications of my incessant beach going.

I always recommend spf for outdoor activities and have pretty much avoided the harmful rays end results on my own skin.

What Is That?!

So when I saw the weird scaly patch show up on the top corner of my right eyebrow, that didn’t seem to go away with extra exfoliating, I decided I had better ask my dermatologist at my upcoming appointment. It had been a bit scaly for a few months, but then started itching a bit, not a good combination. The good Doc confirmed my self diagnosis, I needed either a small biopsy or a good dose of chemo cream.

Since his recommendation of biopsy came with scarring potential and since I have had enough of scarring with two deconstructed and reconstructed mastectomied breasts, I voted for option 2.

Dose of Chemo Cream

It was pretty painless, not invasive at all and off it went. Frankly, it didn’t really feel like I was doing anything to really remove this weird thing, but it did the trick. Except now I am on high alert, over analyzing every brown spot that has seemingly over night made its new residence on my face. I have seen an odd brown spot show up over the left top of my lip and am now starting to think that parts of my face are going to need chunks cut out. So like a smoker getting diagnosed with polyps on their lungs, I am now pretty religious about my daily spf and have full intention of umbrellas and hats at my beloved beach this summer.

Using Glo Anti Stress Serum on my skin following the use of chemo cream helped my skin to recover surprisingly quickly. This is a miracle product and I am a new believer that everyone should have a bottle on hand for any skin irritation, burn or bruise.

Genetic Predisposition

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I learned I had the BRCA genetic mutation and with that came a high risk of melanoma. My beloved breast doctor, Dr W., reminds me constantly about this. Do I listen? Sort of. Of course I should know better, after all I am in the skin business. But like a great cold glass of white on my front porch on a hot summer day or a nice big dish of ice cream, I just find it so difficult to give up another vice that brings me so much joy. I surely don’t want to die, but I don’t want to live not living either so if you see me out in my new Stetson coated in white cream, smile knowing I am trying the best I can.

Meanwhile here are my favorite SPF products and these fun easy to travel with roll up SPF hats too:

1 comment

Your tips on consolidating a predictable routine are a unique advantage. I’ve battled with consistency, yet your blog enlivened me to focus on a day to day skincare

custom. Invigorated for the outcomes!

Okkabeautydubai August 08, 2024

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