3 Reasons The Skin Care Routine You Purchased May Not Be Working
I received an email from a fun client the other day. She is pragmatic, honest, stunning and simple in her beauty routine.
I thoroughly enjoy these characteristics in women. And she just turned 70.
These days 70 seems to be the new 50.
She received one of the automatic emails I have set to remind her about her routine.
Had it lapsed? Did she need any replenishment on the products she purchased?
These auto follow up emails are designed to be helpful, not Jewish mother’s guilty reminders that perhaps you are not living up to your full skin care potential.
She replied forthright as I would have expected.
“Good to hear from you. I’m dryer than a bone. None of my purchases made a great difference, but I’m more than willing to try anew. Are you in the store tomorrow?”
Just because she thought she wanted change in her skin, just because she bought everything I recommended, Step 3 was to actually use the products.
Skin care is cumulative and the reality is the 80% of great skin care begins at home.
I chuckled somewhat knowingly prepared to ask her one of my favorite questions.
"On a scale of 1-10- 10 being that you have used everything recommended exactly the way it was recommended, 1 being never."
She looked at me and said, "Alayne, I give myself a C-."
So there it was.
Just because she thought she wanted change in her skin, just because she bought everything I recommended, Step 3 was to actually use the products.
Because one thing I know is that the products work when you use them.
But you have to use them.
Skin care routines are like fitness routines. The more we do them, the more we build muscle. The better our muscle the better our fitness routines.
Skin care is cumulative and the reality is the 80% of great skin care begins at home.
My partner, who is a therapist, reminds me often in out regular discussions that you can’t want it more than the client wants it. Probably one of the hardest issues for anyone in the service business. We know what works.
Just like a personal trainer can’t make her client get off the couch, our recommendations can’t make you rolls up your sleeves and squirt the product into your hand. You have to do the work.
If you aren’t going to commit to some type of skin routine, your skin challenges are not going to go away. “Dry as a bone” skin is mostly because lack of exfoliation, or skipping the very important washing your face at night step, these 2 steps alone can make for way less dry skin problems, but we can’t work harder than you. You have to want it.
Just like a personal trainer can’t make her client get off the couch, our recommendations can’t make you rolls up your sleeves and squirt the product into your hand.
You have to do the work.
This got me thinking about this blog today. Managing expectations in the skin care world.
Here is a guide to help you along:
You want great skin, but tend to go all in at the beginning, then get lazy.
In person facial treatments will help your skin. They are never going to take the place of a consistent at home routine, but they will at least get rid of buildup, help with deep hydration and feed your skin the serums it needs to keep it fresh and clean.
Make at least 6 Skin and Mind Blast facial appointments for the year. Every other month will keep your skin looking great and be a consistent reminder to get back on track.

Your skin is looking a bit dull and you are willing to do everything we recommend at home.
Schedule a Glo Getter Facial $65 thirty minute facial 4 times a year following the at home routine we prescribe for you.
The lines are starting to kick in and you are getting ready to leave your fifties and head-on into your sixties.
Cleansing, bi weekly exfoliate, serum and moisturizer along with a daily SPF should be your bare bones minimum. You will see results from these steps and they will take less than 5 minutes.

You are dryer than dry.
Buy Glo Phyto Calm Enzyme Mask and apply a thin layer after washing your face at night and go to bed with it. Do this 3 times a week- it is a much easier way to exfoliate and your moisturizer won’t have to work so hard to do its job. Make an appointment for a Best Facial 4 times per year.
You don’t really want to spend time or money on too many steps, but you want to do something or you are confused and need simple direction.
Schedule a virtual chat with us and bring everything you are using to the call so we can help you navigate and simplify your routine.

You are sensitive and are afraid to use anything these days.
Come in for a Calming Skin Blast first. Then follow the routine we recommend and schedule a Cool as A Cucumber $65 30 minute facial 3 weeks later.
Don’t feel like doing much of anything these days except wash your face and moisturize
Schedule a Best Facial with Lactic every 2 months and let us do the work for you, your skin will be happier.

Your skin is breaking out and you can’t get a routine to work for you, but you are open to trying.
Schedule a Detox and Cleanse facial, purchase this Clarify and Balance kit and begin using 3 weeks before you come in for your first treatment.

I explained to my lovely client that if you aren't going to exfoliate to think about your skin like painting a chair.
Let’s say you have a chair that was painted dark green and you want to paint it high gloss white.
If you throw layers of high gloss white over it it will look muddy and dull, but if you wash it first (cleansing your skin), sand it down (exfoliating step), and prime it (serum drops) before you paint it (moisturizing), the chair will look like new.
Think of your skin care this way and you will begin to understand the steps you need to take for the best skin possible if you are willing to do the work.
If not, then you need to come in for more facials to let us do more of the work.
Make sense?
We know skin here at Alayne White.